
Efficacy of Treating Chronic Low Back Pain With Opioid Analgesics

Subject: Efficacy of Treating Chronic Low Back Pain With Opioid Analgesics


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The results of research summarized in an article in JAMA Internal Medicine, “Avoiding Opioid Analgesics for Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain”, by Jane C Balantyne, MD, FRCA, suggest what many involved with work related back injuries have suspected for some time.  The article concludes that, for people with chronic low back pain, “opioid analgesics provide modest short-term pain relief but the effect is not likely to be clinically important within guideline recommended doses.”  (Emphasis added.)  The article goes on to note that “[e]vidence on long-term efficacy is lacking.”

If you are interested in reading more, the link for the article is:  http://jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleID=2528194.

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Len Hickey and John Combs

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